Media: David Harbor meets Lily Allen


On Saturday, a boxing duel between Hewie Fury and Alexander Povetkin (Russian won) took place in London. Eyewitnesses noticed that David and Lily were found among the audience, who were sitting nearby, enthusiastically followed the duel and they were discussed emotionally.

Course is not the first time spending time together. In August, Harbor and Allen were also found in London, where they visited the play "The Trilogy of the Brothers Lehman". Probably, the Saga's highly estimated by critics did not have the stars in the shower, as they left the theater after the first act and preferred to spend time in the restaurant.

Recall, last year Allen announced parting with the artist Sam Cooper, with whom together raising two daughters: 8-year-old Ethel and 6-year-old Marny Rose. David has recently consisted of a relationship with the star "Fantastic Creatures" Alison Cerbit. The last time you saw a couple in April of this year, and in August in Instagram-Account, an actress appeared record:

You should not give up, but if you have nothing more to hold, it is better to let go of the situation.

Media: David Harbor meets Lily Allen 49120_1

Media: David Harbor meets Lily Allen 49120_2

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