Kozlovsky told about the extramarital daughter: "I dream to eat ice cream with her"


The actor and director Danil Kozlovsky spoke about his extramarital daughter, which the actress Olga Zueva gave birth to him. Details of personal life, the artist shared on Youtube-show "OK. In touch! ".

So, the artist who usually tries not to apply about himself and his loved ones, admitted that she dreams of spending more time with his daughter.

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"I dream with my daughter eat ice cream when she grows up. Although we gave her already this delicacy when she was one year old. She smeared him in the face, but ate very concentrated, "the artist told.

The fact is that Valentine's Oda, along with his mother, an actress Olga Zueva, lives in the USA, and Kozlovsky - in Russia. The famous couple was together since 2016, and parted almost immediately after the birth of her daughter. Former lovers did not comment on their gap, however, judging by the information in the media, the actress Oksana Akinshina became his reason, with which the actor started the novel during the filming of the film "Chernobyl".

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It is known that Kozlovsky was officially married to the Polish actress Ursule Magdalene Malka, from which she registered relations in 2008, and parted five years later. Since then, the artist attributed romantic connections with Elizabeth Boyarskaya, Yulia Snigir, Anna Chipovskaya and other actors.

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