Video: Hollywood actors speak idle


Julia Robert speaks for the powerful nature: "I'm 2200 times longer here than you. I need people. But people do not need me. I feed more species than you, and I will make it hungry more species than you. Your actions determine your destiny, not mine. "

Harrison Ford is an anger of the ocean: "People, I should not have anything. I give them, they take. But I can not always take everything back. They betray me, and wait that I will feed them. But one day I will cut all the planet, and I could always cover it. That's all I have to say. "

Kevin Spacy with sarcasm speaks for the forest: "People are so smart, they have such big brains. They know how to create amazing things. So why do they need such an old forest like me? Jungle? Trees? They breathe air, and I create air. Did they think about it? People who make air. It will be interesting to see. "

Edward Norton as a soil: "Without me, people could not exist. But you are trying away with me. I am sick, I'm dying. Do you pay attention to me? I turn into dust. "

And in the final short film Penelope Cruz turns to us from the face of water: "I am what people consider granted. They use me more and more every day. Will they ever fight for me, how do they do it from all the rest?

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