You will not believe, but these celebrities are one year old!


Gwen Stephanie and Jack Black

You will not believe, but these celebrities are one year old! 50593_1

It is difficult to believe, but the charming blonde Gwen Stephanie is already 45 years old! Incredibly, but, even raising two sons and balancing the singer's career and a fashion designer, Gwen manages to look like a maximum of 30. But her one year old Jack Black looks not just for its 45, but even 50.

Adele and Rihanna

You will not believe, but these celebrities are one year old! 50593_2

Both singers were born in 1988 and almost one year old (although on February 20, Rihanna celebrated his 27th birthday, and Adeli would be to celebrate on May 5). Although Adel took the musical storming industry not so long ago, it looks like it seems to work in the show business for 10 years longer Rihanna. In fact, Rihanna is building a successful singer career for 12 years, and sings - in general from 7 years old!

Chuck Norris and Patrick Stewart

You will not believe, but these celebrities are one year old! 50593_3

The legendary Chuck Norris and Patrick Stuart, famous for Hollywood cinema lovers in a series of Movies "X-People" and the Serial "Star Path", were born in the same 1940 - before the Second World War! Both 74-year-old actors look at their age at all, although in Chuck Norris, perhaps it turns out even better than his one year old. But Patrick Stewart, despite the more than a solid age, is still actively filming in the cinema - his shooting schedule is planned as much until 2017.

Kate Upton and Miley Cyrus

You will not believe, but these celebrities are one year old! 50593_4

Girls are absolutely different, but still they have one similarity: both Kate Appon and Miley Cyrus were born in 1992 and celebrated the 22nd birthday. Miley - hardly the main scandalist of Hollywood last few months, but Kate leads a much more modest lifestyle, while at the same time meeting with a professional baseball player and receiving rewards from People as "the sexiest woman of the year." In general, despite the same age, Kate and Miley are not at all alike.

Eddie Murphy and George Clooney

You will not believe, but these celebrities are one year old! 50593_5

In the nineties, when George Clooney had just made his way to the top of the Hollywood Olympus, Eddie Murphy was already considered one of the most famous comedians - so it is very difficult to believe that in fact these stars are one year old. Murphy was born on April 3, 1961, and Clooney - May 6, and thus, both actors - exactly 53 years old. Recently, Eddie Murphy has almost nothing to hear anything, but George Clooney, despite, in fact, the "pension" age continues to remain a news hero.

Will Smith and Owen Wilson

You will not believe, but these celebrities are one year old! 50593_6

And Will Smith, and Owen Wilson - 46 years old, both were born in the sixties (in 1968). Nevertheless, that these stars are one year old, it is very difficult to believe: Smith has been playing very "adults" recently, and Owen Wilson continues to support the image of charming hooligan. By the way, in the near future, Wilson will take off in the sequel comedy "exemplary male" with his old friend Ben styllar.

Luke Wilson and Jared Summer

You will not believe, but these celebrities are one year old! 50593_7

Both actors are a sufficiently successful career, but Jared had time to go much more. Summer born on December 26, 1971, first "lit up" on TV, and in two thousandths became one of the most recognizable film actors. In 2013, the Summer received Oscar for the role in the Drama of the Dallas Club of Buyers - and in parallel with all this he still time to tour with his group of 30 seconds to Mars! Wilson, born on September 21, 1971, only 3 months older than his one year old, but it looks much older - although the summer until recently went with a beard, he still looked at a maximum of 30 with something.

Rene Zellweger and Jennifer Aniston

You will not believe, but these celebrities are one year old! 50593_8

If you were forced to guess who older - who would you choose? In any case, the answer would be wrong, because Rene Zellweger and Jennifer Aniston were born in 1969, and, therefore, age actresses are almost the same. But according to the appearance of stars, you will not say this: Aniston looks as if he found a source of eternal youth, and Rene, who also for 2 months under his one year old, after an unsuccessful plastic operation became almost unrecognizable.

Colin Farrell and Diana Kruger

You will not believe, but these celebrities are one year old! 50593_9

Colin Farrell is only a month with a little older actress Diana Kruger. Although both managed to preserve relative youth, Farrell still looks at his 38 years - unlike Diana Kruger, which even without makeup (!) It looks not older than 30.

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