"Years for you": Irina Bezruek Irina's photo was rated on the chain at 18


Actress Irina Bezrukova published a new post in the personal microblog in the Instagram, in which he submitted a meeting with him 18-year-old. So, the star posted a "carousel" of two pictures: on one it is captured relatively recently, and on another celebrity for only 18 years.

"If today I met myself 18-year-old, then young Irina would immediately ask:" Why are you not in the handkerchief? "" - started their post an artist.

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Next, she noticed that in her youth, a woman from 30 years old and older looked very differently. According to celebrities, now many have learned to maintain their appeal. The actress admitted that he was glad that the modern world gives representatives of an excellent sex the opportunity as long as possible to remain young, healthy and beautiful. Also Irina appealed to Follovers with a proposal to remember how their parents looked in the years of their youth and maturity.

Subscribers not only responded to the request of the priestly, but also appreciated her wonderful appearance.

"Beautiful at any age," "Yes, at that time, 40-year-olds looked like 60-year-olds," before the women were more faster, "" Beauty, did not change at all, "" Years for you, "- wrote users of the network in comments.

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