"Fortunately, Mom did not tolerate": Irina Bezrukov told about the father-alcoholic


Russian actress Theater and Cinema Irina Bezrukov shared memories of his father. The star admitted that sometimes a sense of fear was feeling next to the parent who often drank.

The 55-year-old actress published several thoughtful photos in his microblog and plunged into children's memories. In particular, she said that her native father was not the person who could be called a "good dad". Bezrukova noted that his father was caring, but only when there was a sober, which would not tell about the state of intoxication. "I was so keenly felt the smell of alcohol from him. It was unpleasant and had some danger, "I remembered the role of the star.

Irina Bezrukova admitted that in those days when the situation in the house was especially heating, they had to run away among the nights. True, it was not for a very long time, since the mother of the future actress decided to divorce with a woeful husband. "Fortunately, Mom did not endure his antics for a long time," the act of mother Irina supported.

The childhood of Irina Bezrukovy is difficult to call cloudless. After the divorce, her mother seriously fell ill. The woman could not cope with cancer and died at a young age. At that time, his father lived in another city and was treated from alcoholism, so the upbringing of Irina and her older sisters fell on the shoulders of the elderly grandmother. Nevertheless, the star admits that there were moments when she felt happy.

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