Joe Russo shared his opinion, how to integrate wolverine into a film marvel


During the record of the subcaster Lights, Camera, Barstool Joe Rousseau, one of the brothers-directors of blockbuster "Avengers: the war of infinity" and "Avengers: the final", shared his thoughts about the integration of Wolverine into the film marvel.

"I think it's best to take a break. You need to allow the audience to enjoy what was and then come up with something new. But I would really wanted to "open up" a Wolverine's nature at some point, "said Rousseau.

Also, the director noted that the image embodied Hugh Jackman, still very much affects the character.

"Imagine Wolverine on the screen will be very difficult, because the game of Hugh Jackman is ultimative. It is necessary to find a truly suitable actor who can show this hero on the other side, "added cinematographer.

The last appearance of a favorite hero on the big screen took place in the film "Logan" directed by James Mangold. This is the final solo film about Wolverine. Action-drama with Rating R tells about the already aged hero performed by Hugh Jackman.

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