Insider answered rumors about the novel of Zoe Kravitz and Channing Tatum


Zoe Kravitz filed a divorce with his husband Karl Glovman on December 23, and rumors had already appeared that she was found with a new beloved. In social networks, they suggest that the actress of the series "Big Little Lies" allegedly, with actor Channing Tatum, with whom they joined the animation project "Lego Film: Batman."

However, the Insider of PEOPLE edition refutes such rumors, stating that colleagues are not found, but "work together over the new project."

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Recall, Zoe Kravitz and her spouse Carl Glovman were in relations since 2016, and got married in June 2019. Wedding played in Paris, in the house of the father of the actress Lenny Kravitsa.

In the summer, Zoe in honor of the anniversary of the family life published in the social networks black and white photos from the wedding celebration. But soon the spouse broke up, their marriage lasted only 18 months.

And kravitz, after a public announcement of the divorce, posted in a personal blog, an eloquent post with a meme of transvestite, which stacked a bag with garbage into a container, signing it: "People, places and things that no longer serve to my greatest and higher blessing."

But despite the fact that the former beloved broke up and deleted all joint photos on their pages in Instagram, they kept warm relationship with each other.

In any case, Zoe Kravitz continues to respond about the former husband as one of the "best people", which she ever met.

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