Stars "Beverly Hills 90210" earned mental injuries on the set


Girlfriends in life and colleagues on the series "Beverly Hills 90210" Tori Spelling and Jenny Garth admitted that they still suffer from post-traumatic stressful disorder, which earned on the shooting of a popular show.

In the new episode of the podcast, Nika Vaicla actresses noted that very little attention was paid to mental health issues. "Mental health awareness has now increased tremendously. It is wonderful that people began to talk about it. Yes, before, we did not tell about such problems, we tried to hide them, "said Garth.

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Jenny admitted that at some point the glory became unbearable for her, and she had Agorafobia (fear of public places), because of what Jenny was afraid to even get out of the house.

"Of course, everyone has its own pool. But for me and Tori a special trigger was the sound of the camera shutter. We found it literally a couple of years ago, "said Garth.

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The actresses say they frighten these sounds in ordinary life. "We are often considered crazy with Tori. It happens, we sit with friends, having dinner. And suddenly: "Did you hear it?" Some say: "What are you talking about? Not everyone runs after you with the camera. " At such moments it becomes awkwardly, but I understand that I really heard a click. And in a week our photos appear ... We often tried to shake out for the fact that we are afraid of the sound of the shutter, "Jenny shared.

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