Society of Justice of America in Teaser "Black Adam" with Duin Johnson


The extended universe DC is waiting for replenishment: during the DC Fandome festival, the formal teaser of the upcoming film "Black Adam" headed by Dune Johnson was presented. Since the shooting of the blockbuster has not yet started, the creators prepared a special video, which is a series of moving concept arts. Johnson himself leads a rapid narration from his hero:

Kandak needed a hero. Instead, they got me. I did everything that was needed, but they sharpened me in prison. Now, after 5 thousand years, I am free. And I give you my word that no one else will stop me.

In the presentation of the "Black Adam" along the DC Fandome, the Actor Noy Sentineau, who will play the crash atom, as well as the director of the film Zhauma Cole-Serra film director, together with Jonson. The creators confirmed that the team of America's justice society will be presented in the Black Adam, in which a hawk person, Dr. Faith and Cyclone, will be included in the crash.

At the end of its inclusion, Johnson should be loudly stated:

Let Flash, Batman, Superman, Miracle Woman and Aquamen know: the world will no longer be the same. The hierarchy of forces in the DC Universe will change soon.

The Russian rental "Black Adam" will be released on December 23, 2021.

Society of Justice of America in Teaser

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