Keanu Reeves confirmed the resumption of filming "Matrix 4" in Berlin (video)


The other day, Keanu Reeves gave an online interview with Associated Press, having discussed his upcoming film "Bill and Ted", but during this conversation the actor also mentioned the renewal of the filming of the "Matrix 4". The executor of Neo's role said that the actors and the film crew of the project again came to work, following all the necessary security protocols in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic:

It's fine. Work is a great honor. Now I am in Berlin, you can hear the sound of Siren. You know, there are a detailed and effective protocols here. Rhythm of filmmaking because of this almost does not suffer and is not interrupted. I think everyone loves this project. If you fall into the difficult situation when you have to ask yourself how to achieve the task, then people from show business are the best. We are chaotic, but we know how to do your job. We are inventive, we make decisions on the go. There is a spirit of kinship between us. We are talking to each other: "Let's add it to the film! We have props and other things, so let's use it! " In the case of a "matrix", this spirit is definitely.

Not so long ago, Rivz commented on the "Matrix 4" script. The actor did not bother on the praise of Lana Vachovski, which wrote a "magnificent and amazing story." Recall that the release of the new "matrix" will take place on April 1, 2022.

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