Bill Murray helps her daughter spy with her husband in the "Last Drop" trailer


The first trailer for tragicomedy about the family relationship "Last Drop" (in the original on the rocks) is published. The film will be released in October in the cinemas and on Apple +. Oskarone screenwriter and director Sofia Koppola invited Bill Murray to the main roles of Bill Murray, with whom he had already worked on the "difficulties of translation", and his old girlfriend Rashid Jones.

Bill Murray helps her daughter spy with her husband in the

The film will tell about the writer from Manhattan Lore, who begins to suspect that her husband has a novel with a new colleague, and appeals for help to the father-playboat Felix. Together, they begin to follow the husband of Laura, traveling on New York and gradually understand their relationships.

Bill Murray helps her daughter spy with her husband in the

Coppola says that partially the picture was based on its relationship with his own father, directed by Francis Ford Koppol:

I wanted to do something lightweight and playful, with great feeling and sincerity. Felix (Bill Murray) - a gentleman from the old world, accustomed to solve questions over a glass of Martini. He looks at women and relationships and gives advice from his point of view, which does not correspond to the life of Laura's husband. And Laura tries to understand different points of view, compare the views of the generation of Martini and today's generation for men and women.

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