Sam Neil shared photos from the filming of the "Peace of Jurassic: Power"


A few days after it was officially confirmed that Sam Neil, who played Dr. Alan Grant in the Film "The Park of the Jurassic Period" and the Park of the Jurassic 3 "2001 will return to this role in the film" The World of Jurassic: Power "The actor shared a nostalgic photo on Twitter. It depicts the battered hat of Dr. Grant. It was put on her in the "Jurassic Park 3" instead of the straw, which was carried in the first film franchise. The last time the audience saw her when Dr. Grant escaped from the jungle bicycular. A photograph Nile has signed:

Hi, old friend.

With the help of Hestegov, the actor mentioned the photograph of his franchise partners: Laura Dorn, Jeff Goldblyum, Chris Pretta and Bryce Dallas Howard. Although the plot of the upcoming film is held in secret, it is known that the director Colin Trevorroe collected a significant number of characters of previous films together. Also during the past Comic-Con Trevorrow teased fans in that its film will be the most animatronic dinosaurs from all franchise films. Technologies for almost thirty years of its existence did not stand still. And now dinosaurs in the film will be almost impossible to distinguish from living.

The premiere of the "Peace of Jurassic Power" is scheduled for June 11, 2021.

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