Makolay Kalkin for cutting Donald Trump from "One House 2"


Famous actor Makolai Kalkin, famous thanks to the role of a boy, who remained in a big house alone, expressed his position about the sensational petition. We are talking about removing Donald Trump, who starred in a small episode of the film "One house. Lost in New York, "from the picture.

40-year-old Kalkin, who played the main role of Kevin Makkalistor in the popular Christmas film, expressed that the 74-year-old Trump was removed from comedy. This desire was expressed by film fans, after Trump provoked a deadly riot in the capitol. They quickly embodied their desire to reality, removing from the film of the replica Trump, and His most "turned" into the invisibility.

In the second part of the popular film, the Hero Calkin meets with a Trump at the New York Plaza Hotel, which President of America owned from 1988 to 1995. In the film, the boy approached the tramp and asked how to go into the lobby, and Trump in turn showed him the road.

The film organizers admitted that the then paid Trump's impressive fee for holding surveys at the hotel. But the ambitious owner decided to give consent only if he himself appears in the frame. However, after almost 20 years since the release of the film on the screen, the Hero Trump decided to remove.

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