Taylor Swift paid her studies at the university for his fan


Taylor Swift performed the dream of a 18-year-old girl who wanted to enter the University of Warika in the UK. Vitoria Mario moved to the United Kingdom from Portugal four years ago. Her father died, the mother remained in his homeland, and training at the university in which Mario dreams of studying mathematics, costs 50 thousand dollars.

Trying to collect money for study, Mario created a campaign on the Gofundme platform, where he shared his story. After she managed to collect almost a third of the established amount, Taylor Swift appeared and donated 30 thousand dollars, thus closing the amount completely. Now Vitoria has money for study.

"Vitoria, I came across your story in the network, and I inspired me so that your desire to realize the dream into reality! I want to give you the remaining amount. Good luck in everything! With love, Taylor, "the singer turned to the girl.

Mario has already given a few interviews, where he told about Generosity Taylor, and thanked her. "I'm just in the seventh heaven from happiness, this is a real gift of over," says Vitoria.

This is not the first time the Swift helps strangers donations. For example, in March, Taylor donated money at least five fans who complained about serious financial difficulties caused by a pandemic. And last year, the singer also helped one of his fan to collect money for his studies in college.

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