Justin Timberlake arranged a surprise for child hospital patients


Music video from children quickly became viral, but they still were surprised when Justin Timberlake saw with gifts on the verge of hospital. They were even more confused by their parents and medical staff, who after the visit of the musician thanked him at Instagram and told the publishing of Today, which Justin was enjoyable. "He was so modest and cute. According to his behavior, it was possible to say for sure that all this is not for the sake of advertising or something like that. He was very afraid of someone to disturb and sincerely interested in the life of children, "the mother of one of the patients told.

According to the medical staff, Timberlake paid the time to all his little fans: visited them in the wards, talked to them and made many pictures. Parents of patients very much appreciated this gesture: "We are always near the children, and they have no opportunity to go on a tour or visit the concert of the beloved artist. Therefore, we are very grateful that Justin has found time to visit us all. His arrival was unforgettable. "

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