Megan Plant 17 times lied in a scandalous interview with


British TV presenter Pier Morgan made several revelations about the Duchess of Sussekaya Megan Marcle - a spouse of the British Prince Harry. For such a step, he went after Market statements staged a threat to the word and actions of the royal family.

Megan Plant 17 times lied in a scandalous interview with 51360_1

First of all, he stated that the Duchess was lied about the allegedly secret wedding in the backyard of the Kensington Palace. There was only a ceremony that did not have legal grounds.

Another journalist denied racism in the royal family, the deprivation of the son of the Dukes of Susseki Archie Titula Prince, the lack of 24-hour security, a 20-year-old separation with sister Samantha and "ban on conversations on the royal family."

Megan, according to Morgana, lied that the family was deprived of Prince Harry financing. In fact, to Harry's refusal from royal powers, the prince together with his wife lived in the palace for the inheritance of Princess Diana and the money of taxpayers.

Megan Plant 17 times lied in a scandalous interview with 51360_2

In addition, in his scandalous statements, Megan insisted that she was forbidden to see friends. However, this, according to the confidence of the TV presenter, not true: None of the members of the royal family did not point to her how she was and what to do.

We note, interviewed Megan Marck about the royal family went out in early March and became scandalous.

Recall that Megan Markle is a famous actress, the wife of Prince Harry, the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, who is the sixth in the queue of the heirs of the British throne.

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