Satira with Hitler from Thai Vaititi won at the Film Festival in Toronto: Preparing for Oscar


Criticians and ordinary viewers should be prepared for the intriguing premium season next year, because Nobody expected triumph in Canada. "Rabbit Jodjo" received only 52 points out of 100 at the Metacritic review aggregator and many dissatisfied reviews from professionals. But at the Film Festival in Toronto, the decision remains for the audience, and they had their own opinion on the account of a satirical drama.

The director thanked everyone who gave him a victory:

Thank you for this incredible honor. "Rabbit Jodjo" is a story about tolerance and understanding. I hope she reminds us that we are still able to establish contact with each other, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, and other things.

Satira with Hitler from Thai Vaititi won at the Film Festival in Toronto: Preparing for Oscar 51510_1

It is quite expected that the film will soon come into the race for Oscar. Last year, a picture of the film festival was the painting "Green Book" from the director Peter Farrelli. It was this project that later received the golden statuette, although many expected the winner will be the "Black Claver". Since 2013, all films worthy of the main prize in Toronto invariably received the main nomination "Oscar". Perhaps next year, thanks from the Dolby Theater Scene will pronounce Vaititi.

The premiere of the film will take place on October 18th.

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