Chris Evans found out if he went to London for a date with Lily James


Recently, Chris Evans and Lily James gave rise to rumors about the novel between them. They were seen several times together in London. While the actors did not comment on their relationships, and fans remains to be content with photographs of paparazzi and assumptions.

Chris Evans found out if he went to London for a date with Lily James 51526_1

Chris Evans found out if he went to London for a date with Lily James 51526_2

But recently the USA Today reporter during an interview with Chris tried to find out for what purpose Evans went to London.

Have you come back to work? You recently seen in London,

- asked journalist.

No, except for my site, which I work even more than on the filming of the film. There it was necessary to do something at work, but the shooting did not start yet, no. While we are only talking about work and about when it starts,

- replied Evans. He meant his political website A Starting Point, for whom he communicates with the authorities.

Chris Evans found out if he went to London for a date with Lily James 51526_3

Chris Evans found out if he went to London for a date with Lily James 51526_4

Chris Evans found out if he went to London for a date with Lily James 51526_5

So, quite possible, Chris came to London to see Lily. Recall, Paparazzi captured the star of Dounton Abbey and Captain America together were at a private party at the club Mark's, and after one taxi came to the Corinthia Hotel, but went to it through different inputs. Then the couple was seen in one of London parks - they sat together on the lawn, cutely chatted and ate ice cream.

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