Robert Downey ML and Tom Holland promised the boy-hero gifts better than Chris Evans


The story of a small bridge, who saved his sister a few days ago, flew around the whole world and caused a huge response from the stars. Among those who thanked the boy for courage, turned out to be Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), Brie Larson (Captain Marvel), Granty Gastin Gastin (Flash) and other celebrities, and Chris Evans even recorded a video performance for a young hero and promised to send him a real shield of Captain America.

Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) also pleased Bridgeographer by video in which he said that she would prepare something better for him.

Bridge, you are rock star. I heard Captain America sent you a shield. I'm going to make something better, call me on my next birthday. I have something special for you,

- assured the actor.

Star "Man-Spider" Tom Holland also did not stay aside. He noticed that the Bridge's sister was very lucky with such an elder brother, and invited the boy to the set of the next part of the franchise.

We are going to shoot "Spiderman 3", and if you want to come to consider the costume near, we will always be happy to you,

- Tom said.

Recall, on July 9, the bridge defended his sister from an aggressive dog and as a result of the attack suffered a lot. The boy was put into 90 seams, and his aunt Nicole Walker told about what happened in Instagram, calling the stars to support the young hero.

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