The star "Harry Potter" Raif Fayns admitted that he almost abandoned the role of Volan de Mort


Raif Fains became the guest of The Jonathan Ross Show and told about the two most famous roles. It turns out that he could not decide for a long time to become part of the "magic" franchise. "True is that I did not know about books and films. Mike Neil directed the film when I was offered to be held in the role of Volan de Mort, first appearing in physical incarnation. By ignorance, I thought it was not for me. It is pretty stupid, but I resisted and fluctuated for a long time. I think a decisive argument in favor of the shooting was the comment from my sister Martha, which brings up three children. She told me: "What does it mean at all? You must do it!" Then I rethought everything, "the actor told.

Fayns also shared with the leading show that was once close to playing James Bond. "I had a privilege to meet with the producer Albert Broccoli, who founded a franchise about Agent 007. But I don't think it would be good in this role. But Daniel Craig is a fantastic Bond. I think he was gorgeous, "Raif said.

The star

Recall, since 2012, the actor plays the chapter of the secret intelligence service Gareth Mallory, he also M. In 2020, he will return to his image together with Ben Bean, Lea Seid, Naomi Harris and Daniel Craig in the anniversary film about Agent 007 "Bond 25".

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