Daniel Radcliff does not want to watch "Harry Potter and damned child"


"It is always a terribly boring answer. Yes, I'm not going to watch the play, but not because I'm afraid to plunge into an existential crisis because of the future of my hero, "said Radcliffe.

Daniel Radcliff does not want to watch

Here there should be a joke about "Hermione has changed a lot for the summer"

It turns out that the real reason, because of which the actor does not plan to ever attend the production of "Cursed Child", lies in fans of the franchise.

"The theater would not have a relaxing situation. I'm afraid you will watch me, waiting for my reaction. Maybe it is selfish and vague, but I know what to watch the play, being surrounded by Harry Potter fans, it would be strange. So there is enough reasons not to go for the production. "

Cast of the Broadway version of "Harry Potter and damned child"

Daniel Radcliff does not want to watch

Daniel Radcliff does not want to watch

Radcliffe also discarded the idea of ​​the secret visit theater. He spoke about the confusion, which happened once with him and his counterpart Rupert Greent. "The problem of disguise is that if you are calculated, it will be a kind of deception. I remember with the Rupert we visited the Redding Music Music Festival. We got old anti-mask times of World War II and ran into them at a concert, until it became hard to breathe. It cost them to remove them how the audience began to poke into us with her fingers, learning. It was an unpleasant feeling. "

The play "Harry Potter and the damned child" was published in the book format, and according to recent rumors, it can be fused after the exit of all parts of "fantastic creatures".

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