Benedict Cumberbatch in the first trailer of the political drama "Brexites"


HBO is capable not only to demonstrate on the live dragon on the screen, but also dynamically submit a story about a political event. In the first trailer, the Telefil "Brexit" Benedict dramatically writes something on the board, changes the future of the country with Facebook and intriguing the audience, stating that "everyone knows who will win, but no one knows how."

Events in the film turn around the Kammins Dominica, Director of the Vote Leave campaign company, who advocated the Great Britain from the European Union. The picture will tell how this man managed to convince young residents of the country to take their point of view and collect the decisive number of votes on the referendum.

The director of the project spoke Toby Haynes, among the past works of which the popular series "Black Mirror". The script wrote the creator of the "secret diary of the call girl" James Graham. Rory Kinner ("Playing Imitation"), Liz White ("Doctor Who"), Kyle Soller ("Empty Crown"), and others joined Benedict.

"Brexites" will begin on January 19, 2019.

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