Tim Burton showed the first teaser trailer "Dambo" with Eva Green and Colin Farrell


Dambo Tim Burton will again tell the history of the elephant with an incredibly large ears, unfolding in the circus - when the Impresario Mark Medici appoints a former star of the Circus Circus of Farriera and his children Milli and Joe guardians of a newborn baby. Suddenly learning that Dambo is able to fly, the commander owner decides to catch up on the unusual abilities of the elephant. A vigorous entrepreneur V.A. Wandewer is connected to the case, which decides to make the main star of his new Grand Entertainment Entertainment "Fairy Country" from the kid. Speaking along with the aerial gymnast of Collett, the loves of the public Dambo conquers new heights - until the Holt accidentally knows that under the brilliant fabulous facade, a lot of dark secrets and secrets are hidden.

In the new "Dambo" Tim Burton gathered an outstanding cast: such famous actors like Eve Green play the main roles, Michael Kiton, Colin Farrell and Danny Devito. The premiere of "Dambo" is scheduled for 2019.

Trailer originally:

Duplicate teaser trailer:

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