Kristen Stewart and Nicholas Holt kiss in the first "equal" trailer


Synopsis "Equal" looks like this:

The film "Equal" tells the story of Silas, who lives in the future, in society, called the "team". Residents of this modern world are a new generation of people called "equal". Equal - these are peaceful, calm, polite and fair people, and life in the "collective" is ideal. It does not exist either poverty, nor greed, nor violence, nor emotions ... But the new threat is hanging on society: the disease "SOS" or "social consciousness syndrome", whose victims are exposed to everything, which they thought escaped: depression, vulnerability , Fear, love. If the government detects a person infected with "SOS", he will immediately be taken to Noura right away, after which this person is no longer seen.

When the main character discovers that he is also infected, he becomes an outcast, but notes one person who, as he thinks, understands what he has to go through. At this time, the government declares that the medication from the disease "included emotions" was found, and the main characters are forced to seek the way to survive.

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