Mother Arshavin spoke about his break from Baranovskaya: "Announced War"


In relations, Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin was born three children. Parting of the couple was accompanied by loud scandals, because even during their livelihood with a TV presenter, the athlete contacted Alice Kazmin. Recently, Mother Arshavin Tatiana came to the program "Let them say," where they spoke about this situation. According to her, Baranovskaya called in one day from London and argued that Andrei was seen with Kazmina together in the Hermitage. "Explained what was the situation, told about who Alice. You know, my heart sank from horror. And I said: "What do you think, I will jump now from joy, what happened? No, I will not "," the mother of a football player recalls.

Then Tatyana was immediately confident that Baranovskaya could not calmly respond to the fact that civil husband would leave the family. "And so that she just gave her beautiful and wonderful English life with Andrei?" It is simply impossible ... Julia announced Andryusha War, "Tatiana told. Indeed, at that time the TV presenter was on the sixth month of pregnancy and constantly found out the relationship with the ex-chosen.

In addition, Mother Arshavin claims that after the Baranovsky gap, it was still confident that he would return to her and children. But this did not happen. At the same time, Andrei himself did not even think to try to make up with the former beloved.

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