Dotank responded to the exposure of Mikhalkov: "Sweet the discord in people"


Recently, Nikita Mikhalkov shared information about the earnings of Russian artists in the media. According to the stories of the director, many get 200-300 thousand rubles for shooting day. Approximately the same fee, according to Mikhalkov, receives Paul Derevko. Paul himself gave an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, where he told about what he was thinking about. The actor noted that the screenwriter was mistaken with the amounts that the wooden gets for work. "Nikita Sergeevich did not quite correctly called the amount. Rates are a little different. I, of course, was unpleasant. I starred in his movie "Citadel". He treated me with great sympathy. And I am with great respect. However, now, too, despite the fact that he sowed grain doubts and discord in humans, "says Derevko.

After that, the artist added that she tries to stay from politics as far as possible and not to discuss too provocative topics. He explained that she focused on his work and tries to perform it as high quality as possible. "He said: I do not want to blame anyone, go to the person. But I called these amounts ... After that, a squall of critics hit me, "explains Derevyko.

The actor admitted that Mikhalkov was quite comfortable to work on the set. "I was very cool with Nikita Sergeyevich, because he understands the acting nature ... He himself is a good artist, a cool artist ..." - says the star of "battle with shadow".

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