The next Oscar premium will be transferred for the summer of 2021


The organizers of the main film procession want to move the 93rd ceremony of awarding the American Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences for four months due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is reported by the British edition of The Sun. Thus, the nearest Oscar will take place at the end of May or early June 2021.

The main reason for the transfer of "Oscar" is the crisis of a film industry caused by a pandemic. Work on new films, as you know, suspended, and the premieres of films shot are waiting for the end of quarantine and opening cinemas. Because of this, many filmmakers are shifted at the end of this year or the beginning of the following.

The representative of the Academy said:

Our goal is to help our employees and the entire industry safely go through this global health and economy crisis. We are in the process of evaluating all aspects of this difficult situation and its possible changes.

In the entire history of Oscar (since 1929), it was never canceled, but transferred three times: in 1938, due to flooding in Los Angeles, in 1968, because of the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. and in 1981 after the attempted President of the United States Ronald Reagan.

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