Oscar 2020 set the historical anti-propelord view


Night from Sunday for Monday was marked by the most significant event of the year in the global film industry. In the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, the Oscar awards ceremony was held, but it turned out that the audience is far from being so interested in what is the actors and directors. As a result, the broadcast audience decreased by 20% compared with last year, which became a historical minimum.

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In the literal air, the statuette was observed 23.6 million Americans, and this is for as many as 6 million less than in 2019. By the way, the decision of the organizers to re-abandon the services of the master seems to be only sideways. If last year, when such a format was tested for the first time, the Oscar audience increased by 12%, then this time all the hopes to strengthen the interest of the public went the rush.

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Oscar 2020 set the historical anti-propelord view 52758_3

But still, Oscar continues to lead on the total number of spectators, although it shows that the awards ceremony gradually take their positions. For example, the last "Golden Globe" showed the worst coverages for eight years, and EMMY-2020 and at all set an absolute rating anti-recorder in the entire history of such a show.

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Perhaps in the future the organizers of such events will come up with a certain brilliant course, which will make the audience again look at the screens, but so far everything indicates that those who are interested in premium winners, it is easier to learn the names of the owners of statuettes from news reports on the network.

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