The actress from the "Game of Thrones" supported the charges against Marilyn Manson


In the piggy bank of the charges against Marilina Manson, the addition: recently actress Esme Bianco, familiar to the audience by the role grew in the series "The game of Thrones," said that acquaintance with the musician turned to her psychological trauma and the threat of career loss.

As Esma told In an interview with The Cut, from the young age she was a fan of Manson, and in 2005 she managed to get acquainted with a musician through his already former wife a diet background TIZ. After the divorce Marilina and Diet Bianco continued to communicate with Raker. She notes that there were "Platonic relations" between them.

In 2009, when the actress was 26 years old, Manson offered her to play in a clip I Want to Kill You like they do in the Movies. Marilyn explained that the kidnapping will be depicted in the video, and Esma should play his sacrifice, "to pretend, as if she likes a cruel appeal."

According to the actress, it was physically and sexual violence from Manson immediately after hitting the shooting platform. Esme recalls that "I convinced myself that all this in the name of art, and still experienced feelings for the musician."

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Bianco, who at that time was married, argues that she and Manson began a novel at a distance and that during the proximity he was with her consent "biting her and left the bruises on her body."

In 2011, according to Esme, she left her husband and moved from London to West Hollywood, where he began to live with Manson. She claims that he tried to control her life, told her that wearing where to walk and even when to sleep.

"I felt a prisoner. I had to call my relatives, hiding in the closet, "says the actress. She lived with a rocker for two months.

Esme tells that one day Marilyn left on her body a cut with a knife and she did not resist: "I remember, I lay and did not try to fight. It was the last drop, after that I completely lost a sense of security. "

The actress says he decided to leave Manson in May 2011, after he allegedly chasing her in an apartment with an ax.

For many years after the relationship with Manson, Bianco says, she suffered from panic attacks, nightmares and was in the constant condition of fear. The actress calls him "Monster, who almost destroyed it and almost destroyed many more women."

We will remind, about violence from Manson, his former bride Evan Rachel Wood spoke. Then, a few more women who worked with the musician were told about cruel with his part, but the evidence did not lead. Former partners Marina Rose McGowan and Dita TIZ background against the background of the scandal noted that nothing like that in relations with Manson was not tested. However, Rose still accepted the direction of the prosecutors, since it is a defender of women's rights.

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