"Natsiki" changed the fem fans ": Sobchak's husband criticized the" new ethics "


Konstantin Bogomolov wrote a manifest called "Abduction of Europe 2.0", expressing his opinion on values ​​and "new ethics", which are common in the West. Its a declarative work of Kryukru's theater on a small armor suggested publishing a new newspaper, where it was published for the development of further discussion on this topic.

According to Bogomolov, the modern Western world turns into a new ethical Reich with its ideology, or "new ethics", which exceeds traditional totalitarian regimes in the suppression of not only freedom of thought, but also emotions.

The functions of the persecution and isolation of dissenting in the West, according to the director, are now transferred from the state to society, and at the change of "Natsiks" they came as aggressive quir-activists, fanatics and eopsychopaths.

"Modern West is such a criminal who has passed chemical castration and lobotomy. From here this frozen on the face of Western man false smile of benevolence and all-priesthoods. This is not a smile of culture. This is a smile of degeneration, "the mantis says.

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He is confident that the role of a repressive car in the new Reich perform social networks that give "respectable" and active in the network to citizens anonymity, and therefore allow you to arrange virtual libraries with impunity. And this happens with the support of power, which Constantine calls the "new ministry of truth represented by the hosts of Internet giants."

"In the Nazi state, the artist could lose work and life because of his" degenerative "art. In the "beautiful" western state of the future, the artist can lose work, because it supports not the system of values, "the director emphasizes.

And this concerns not only artists, but also any person in Western society: a teacher or student of the university can be expelled from the walls of the institution only for what he adheres to "not those" views.

Bogomolov believes that the new Reich declared the war of death and appointed the idea of ​​Fix The desire to preserve eternal youth, because death is unpredictable and divine, and the Quir-Socialists do not recognize themselves no authority and person consider as a result of the experiment.

But the war against death, according to Konstantin Bogomolov, inevitably leads to war against life, because "the latter is also incomprehensible, uncontrollable and dangerous."

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