"Plato his dad calls": family video Sobchak with Bogomolov discussing on the net


Ksenia Sobchak's TV presenter and public figure published in his Instagram account series video, where she, her husband, director Konstantin Bogomolov, and the son Plato go to Sapsan. In the short video of the Bogomolov reads the press and discusses it with his wife. For example, they stop their attention on the material dedicated to Stalin's struggle with homosexuals in the USSR. In a jokingly form, the director commented on this article and declares that it is necessary to "know the history of his country."

All this time, Plato, sitting opposite the pair, is trying to ask the Bogomolov and Sobchak something, calling them "Dad" and "Mom", but the parents ask him to wait.

"If Bogomolov is a fellow traveler, then even in Sapsan fun! I open the heading # read, "says Sobchak.

Many fans drew attention to the fact that Plato, Sobchak's son and Maxim Vitorgan, her former husband, calls Bogomolov "Pope". According to fans, it is very touching and shows a healthy family atmosphere.

"Plato calls his dad," the fans noticed.

Other subscribers condemned the celebrity for ignoring the child. They are confident that it is impossible to do so and Sobchak shows its egoism.

"Mom's favorite shot. It is ugly to interfere, "the subscribers write.

More devotee fans noted that they would like to regularly see such videos, and asked Sobchak to publish "press reviews" regularly.

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