Mandalorets: Disney Account confirmed Rosario Dawson and Timothy Oliphant in 2 season


On the eve of the release of the second season of the series "Mandalorets" in the network there were a lot of rumors that in the upcoming series of viewers, it is waiting for acquaintance with new characters, which before that appeared in other projects in the framework of Star Wars. In particular, the case appeared news that Rosario Dawson and Timothy Oliphant will join the acting staff, but still Disney refused to confirm their participation in the show. The other day, however, in Instagram-Account Disney + Germany, a video appeared in which Dawson, Oliphant, and Sasha Banks is mentioned as newcomers "Mandalortz".

As you can see, the movie does not specify exactly exactly the roles of the artists, but the available information indicate that Dawson will play the former Padavanka Anakina Skywalker aschi Tano, while Oliphawl will fulfill the sheriff from the planet Tatooin named Cobb Want - in the books on "Star Wars "It was this character who inherited Fetta's armor.

Mandalorets: Disney Account confirmed Rosario Dawson and Timothy Oliphant in 2 season 52871_1

It is curious that this promovideo came out only on the German account disney +, so that it is likely that it was laid out by mistake. However, even if so, the content of the roller itself is unlikely not to correspond to reality. Recall that the second season "Mandalortz" starts on Disney + already at the end of October

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