Motation complained to the quarrel of children: "I can't so much"


32-year-old Agatha Minting after parting with Paulil primaries their common children. The actress tries to devote as much time as possible to his heirs and develop them in every way. But she admits that she has recently been pretty hard to communicate with children - the son of Timothy and his daughter Mia. "They all divide among themselves. It is simply impossible. Someone will draw a drawing. The second: "And I had better!" I can't do it anymore. Mia begins: "Mom, and Tima kicked me!" And here they complain all the time on each other, they compete all the time, "the star in his youtube show Mambook shared the emotions. She also added that before the children were more friendly.

Guest of the program, the expert of the Ministry of Apartments Victoria Dmitrieva assured the actress what the behavior of the heirs is quite normal. "If children compete at home, compete, jealous, but, going out to the street or to school, they are a gang - the relationship is excellent," says a specialist. Muzing supported the opinion of Dmitrieva and added that Mia and Timofey was really set up and maintained in difficult situations.

At the same time, the actress claims that he does not configure his children against the ex-spouse. She advocated the communication of heirs with his father. "I'm trying to ask for children every day:" Guys, please call dad, "says the star. But Timofey and Mia do not burn with the desire to establish relationships with him.

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