Camila Mendez suffered from panic attacks on the shooting of the 5th season "Riverdala"


In a new interview, Health magazine Camila Mendez told how a pandemic influenced her mental health. The actress says that in the fall, after returning to the shooting, which was held in Canada, her bosic attacks began. "We just started shooting the fifth season of the series, and my panic attacks began, which is strange to me. It seems to me that this is due to the fact that we were in Vancouver, and the borders were closed, and no one could visit us, "the actress told.

At the same time, Camila noted that he was still glad to return to the shooting, because the insulation also affected her not the best: "You start to miss the house and your normal life, there are no friends or some kind of community next to you."

Mendez shared his ways to combat panic attacks: "It helps to take a bath. I also realized that it is very important to rest from my phone and other gadgets. All disconnect, climb into the bath, you put the music or take a book. I didn't do so before Pandemic and I like that I began to take care more about myself. "

Previously, Camila admitted that she suffered from Bulimia, and he said that she helped to defeat the food disorder: "I noticed the changes when I started listening to my body and there is something that he needed. Even the fact that I considered harmful - sugar and bread, for example. The strangest thing is that the body really says what he needs. But you need to learn to hear it. What a single woman needs is completely optional, "the actress shared.

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