"Hopeless thing": Matthew McConaha answered, is ready to go to politics


In 2022, elections were planned for the post of governor of the US state of Texas, in which the famous actor Matthew McConaja is living now with his family. In an interview with the WBRS at the "Late Show", Hugh Hewitt asked how hard the intention of Matthew began to go to politics after completing the acting career. The question of celebrity was no longer the question, which is explained by Matthew: "I did not say the unequivocal" no "." The artist really considered this opportunity, but not at present: "I have no plans to do it right now ... there is no right now," he shared.

According to McConahi, politics today is a broken business and hopeless thing, and therefore should reconsider its goals. "Social contracts are lost in society: people ceased to trust each other, which led to the loss of confidence in themselves," the actor says. However, he does not exclude that in the future there may be senior positions and assist the community: "As I move in life, will I consider the guidelines in which I can be most useful? I would love it with pleasure! I do it anyway. " Also, the actor added that the decision remains for the state residents and does not depend on it.

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