"The audience suspected a nonladny": Star "Sashitani" about professional nightmare


The star of the series "Sashahatany" Valentina Rubtsova published a new post in the personal microblog in Instagram, in which he said that he had a "professional sleep-nightmare" periodically.

"I go to the scene, and in the head" White Sheet ", I remember anything, the text" flew out ", although I knew his izubok. Pause, it is the most terrible pause, the inner chaos, the question in the eyes of the partners, I begin to improvise, ineptly, desperately, the audience suspected a nonladny, again this pause. Batz! I wake up in cold sweat, "said Rubats.

Then she admitted that he constantly doubts himself and very rarely watches work with his participation on the screen, although he understands what to do this. Also, the star noted that there was no idea how to deal with everyone.

Network users decided to express in the comments. Found among them and colleagues Valentina. For example, the actress Nonna Grishaeva wrote the following: "And I have another terrible dream all my life, I can not find a scene exit." Other Folloviers advised the artist to turn to a psychologist to go through a few practices and get rid of an obsessive dream. Also, many wrote a star of compliments and words of admiration for her creativity.

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