"Who will pay her such money?": The star of the "magnificent century" outraged Andrei Malakhov


The recently well-known showman Andrei Malakhov talked to Clubhouse with colleagues and experts on celebrity fees for television history. According to him, the cost of visiting the show, even with the exclusive news from the star now fell several times. But not all celebrities still know about it. An actress was invited to the Russian television, which played the role of Hurrem in the "magnificent century", Merini Uzerli. According to Malakhov, she denoted a fee of 30 thousand dollars through its managers.

"Who remembers her? Who will pay her money? " - the leading lead in the voice chat was indignant. Now for the most exclusive stars material get about 500 thousand rubles. About two years ago, the same stories cost about 1.5-2 million rubles. Also Malakhov added: artists's visits are highly paid after the death of a loved one or during a loud scandal. At the same time, the celebrity has no right to disclose news before shooting the program in any sources.

Among the audience, the most popular are stories about the personal life of the stars of show business. If the creativity of idols for fans, as a rule, openly, the privacy details are often not attached to publicity. At the same time, the TV channel to which the celebrity is going to come to an interview can conclude a contract with it, according to which the artist has no right to visit other TV channels with the same stories and give exclusive interviews.

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