Valeria Meladze and Albina Dzhanabayeva was born daughter


Valery Meladze became a father for the sixth time. We will remind, in marriage with Irina Meladze, three daughters were born, and the other day Albina Dzhanabayeva gave the artist of their third joint child. This time, Valery was fortunate enough to become a father of his daughter: before that, the second spouse gave birth to the performer exclusively sons. The pair already brings up 17-year-old Constantine and 6-year-old onions.

The news that 42-year-old Janabaeva is preparing to become a mother once again, it appeared quite recently. Albina herself said about this joyful event. For a long time, the actress was not decided to inform the fans, which is waiting for adding in the family, however, when it was already impossible to hide an interesting position, with joy and relief in everything admitted.

The baby was born in one of the metropolitan clinics. Mom and daughter feel good. So far, there is no official confirmation in social networks from the culprit itself, there is no silence and a happy father of a newborn. Recall, Meladze and Janabaeva got married in 2014 after a long novel. Initially, no one suspected that the first son of Albina, Konstantin, was born from the singer, because he was still official marriage with Irina. However, later Valery Meladze confirmed his fatherhood.

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