"Deformation of consciousness": Irina Meladze criticized stereotypes about unmarried women


Irina, the former spouse Valery Meladze, criticized public opinion, which he considers unmarried women unhappy. She shared his opinion on social networks and received a positive response from subscribers.

Irina Meladze herself is now in the status of divorced. After the scandalous break with a popular singer, it does not apply to his personal life. In public events, Irina also does not appear in the company of the cavaliers.

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She recently expressed her position about unmarried women in a personal blog. Irina admitted that it was unpleasant surprised by hearing from his familiar thought that she was important for her the status of "married", because she would soon be 50 years old.

"I will say honestly, at some point I lost the gift of speech, because I considered it a stronger and most full-fledged person. I note, she did not say "be happy in marriage," and noted only the importance of status, "Meladze said disappointed.

According to Irina, such an opinion is not quite true, since the quality of relations is much more important than their "status". "The deformation of consciousness is obvious," she said reasonably. Fans supported the position of their favorite. They found Irina a very wise woman.

"You are so many wisdom, refinement, dignity", "the main thing is to live in agreement with you", "Ira, I agree with you 100%," "bother about the status is not correct," Folloviers expressed approvingly.

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