"Now such weekdays": the son of Valeria shared the first photo from the ultrasound of a pregnant wife


The younger son of the singer Valeria, who surprised the fans of the artist quickly played by the wedding, now actively talks about his heir. On the days of Arseny, Shulgin shared the frame, where his wife Liana Volkova was captured during an ultrasound study. In the picture you can consider the outlines of the fetus, but the floor will be able to understand only a specialist.

"Good morning everyone. Now there are such weekdays, "the future Father signed a photo.

In the personal Instagram account, he also shared a roller, where it was captured, how much his heir is pushed. Arseny gently stroking his wife's tummy during lunch in the restaurant.

It should be noted that fans began to valet on the soon replenishment in the Valeria family still during the preparation for the wedding. Some believed that the young man had to marry Liana because of pregnancy, but Arseniya demonstrates sincere feelings, with trepidation treats his mother's mother.

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