"Pope Copy": Alexey Chadov showed a six-year-old son from Agnia Ditkovskite


Actor Alexei Chadov showed fans how she spends a weekend with her son. Fans noted that the heir is becoming more like a star father.

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Публикация от Алексей Чадов (@alexeychadovofficial)

38-year-old Alexey took on the weekend of the son of Fyodor at his mother Agnia Ditkovskite. The male company they went to the training session, walked and spent time behind the games. The actor published in his Instagram-Account photo with her son: They eat ice cream, standing by the car. Fedor tries to imitate his father and even stands in the same posture.

"Fedya ate two," wrote the chalks under the picture.


Публикация от Алексей Чадов (@alexeychadovofficial)

Subscribers rated a touching frame. Many noted that the son of Alexei had grown over the summer and became even more like a star father and his brother. "Two heroes", "Miracle a guy, all in dad", "Handsome", "Fedya grows", "Circling is growing", "how he grew up, here is a man," "Copy of the Pope", "wrote in the comments.

Alexey Chadov and Agnia Ditkovskite got acquainted on the set. The novel developed rapidly, soon the couple got married, and their son was born. However, the relationship did not work out, the stars divorced, but for a long time I hid our parting from my son. Fedor lives with Mom, Alexey tries to take it on the weekend when he succeeds.

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