"Alex - the boss, and Mika observes": Stanislav Bondarenko's wife flew out the social network about the daughters


The daughter of the actor Stanislav Bondarenko and his spouses Auriki Alekhina often die fans with their charm. Baby Miki and Alexa have a slight difference in age, so they are often accepted for twins.

35-year-old Aurika Alekhina published a cute photo in his microblog, on which a three-year-old Alexia and one and a half year old Mikael play a developing blade, sitting in children's chairs. Girls are dressed in the same blue-colored denim dresses that perfectly emphasize their eyes their eyes. The young mother told that despite the external similarity of girls, their characters are very different.

"They are absolutely different. Mika is very obedient. Alex will not calm down until his own. It is important for everything to do everything around what she says. And Mika is absolutely calm, but persistent. It is always divided by food or toy, and herself. Alex at her age was no longer loved. Alexa - fire. Chief. And Mika usually looks at all from afar. Watches, "Aurik shared. In addition, the businesswoman noted that now her eldest daughter passes all the difficulties of the crisis of three years.

Fans rated the frankness of the star mother and once again expressed their admiration for charming girls: "What are smart bunks, your girls are just incredible", "Sweet girls, Aurika, I really like to read what you write about. You are smartly, and your kids are charm: and Alex, and Mika! "," Absolutely different kids, but such similar. Sweet buns, "Folloviers died.

Stanislav Bondarenko and Aurika Alekhina in a relationship for four years. Couple often lays out happy family photos into the network.

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