Astronomer changes life: Anna Chipovskaya shared the frames of the upcoming film "Comet Halley"


In the regiment of domestic romantic comedies arrived. December 3 is preparing to reach the screens a new film "Comet Galleya", which will tell about the girl of Taisiya. She unexpectedly for himself and his family acquires happiness in the face of a timid physics-astronomer Ignat Gallei.

Recently, Actress Anna Chipovskaya, who played self-sufficient Tasya, shared exclusive frames from the filming of the future Romom. She talked in detail about her heroine. "In addition to an outstanding cap, my heroine has a boxing pear, a steel character, a gentle heart and a family consisting of a grandmother, mom and younger sister. In this family, Taika is used to take a male role. Gone and defend, "said Chipovskaya.

She admitted that it was very glad to be on one set with the legend of the Soviet Theater and Movie Leia Ahacedzhakova. By the way, Chipovskaya has its own New Year's story related to the actress. Two years ago, she accidentally met her in Tbilisi on the eve of this holiday and decided that it was a good sign.

"But I could not think that I would find with her on one set. What I will be able to look close to how this amazing actress works, chat with it between the dubs, and in the frame of calling "Ba", "says Chipovskaya.

Subscribers actress shared that they look forward to the release of her new work.

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