Makeyev was condemned for the novel with a married: "She is by calling the rainbits"


Anastasia Makeyev met the Roman's Roman a year ago when he started repairs at the cottage, and since then they did not part. Now lovers live together, travel a lot and even beauty salons visit together - the builder also conduct cosmetic procedures.

The actress is not shy to publicly declare that she is very happy and even gathered married for the fourth time, because the beloved has already made her a proposal of hands and hearts. However, Malkov in Slovenia remained the wife, with whom he lived 18 years old, and four children.

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A large mother came to Russia to sort out the situation when he saw joint images of her husband and rival. She does not understand how her legitimate spouse intends to marry another woman when their marriage is still not terminated.

"I have not seen her husband for more than a year. He went to Russia to sign an agreement, how suddenly the pandemic began. The children wrote a novel, waited for him on birthdays, but he never flew away. They were not hiding with Anastasia, there are all their relationships in Instagram, "said Svetlana in the program" Stars came together "on NTV.

The guests of the studio arose to her, but Olga Orlova believes that in relations Svetlana and the novel probably not everything was smooth, because it is impossible to lead from a family of a loving man. But Otar Kushanashvili, who calls himself a master in highly artistic lie, sharply condemned Malkov and stressed that "only bastard could leave a woman with four children."

Obligating Makeeva, the journalist said that she could not be happy, building "happiness on the bones." And Larisa Rubalskaya speaks about Anastasia even more categorically, calling it a "warrior of the devil."

"I read stories that were in her life. She browsing the rainbits, the destroyer. Some kind of magical affects the poetess.

Recall, the first husband of Makeeva was the actor Petr Kislov, the marriage with whom was launched only 2 months. She then married Alexei Makarov and divorced him in 2.5 years. Gleb Matvechuk became the third spouse of Anastasia, and marriage with him the longest - they broke up after 6 years of living together.

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