"Oh, what a woman!": 46-year-old Vasilisa Volodina flashed breast without a bra


The 46-year-old astrologer Vasilis Volodine decided to update his image this fall. Fans got used to seeing her with lush stacking, but the TV presenter refused her. On the eve of the Personal Instagram account, she appeared with his hair branched back, reminding the fans of Hollywood stars. She pleased with Follovers and Spicy Neckolon.

The picture of Volodine is captured in a snow-white overalls without sleeves and with a deep neckline, which is a little bit of her chest. Considering the frame, it can be understood that Vasilisa did not put on a stylish brass outfit.

"What a woman!" - adorable adorable.

"Elegant," others added their compliments.

"What are you luxurious," the subscribers noticed, bringing the coordinates of the teediva stylist.

By the way, in the commentary to the snapshot, where Volodin holds an hourglass in his hands, she warned fans about the influence of "Retro Mars in the Sign of Aries."

"Caution - above all. The above-mentioned college and attention require the last week of September and time from October 6 to 12, "the astrologer concluded.

Some fans with all seriously reacted to the warning of Vasilisa and thanked her for the forecast.

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