"Spanish shame": Volochkov criticized for speaking in a cage


The ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, after leaving the Bolshoi Theater, decided to give his own ideas. In the personal microblogger in Instagram, a star not only often tells fans how preparations are being prepared for her show, but also divides fragments of performances. That's the other day, the celebrity published a video where she appeared before the audience, dancing in the real cell itself.

Folloviers Anastasia have long known that it prefers to disconnect the possibility of commenting on their posts in the social network. The star previously explained it by the fact that I was tired of reading unreasonable criticism. However, this time for some reason she left comments open. Is it worth saying that network users did not miss the rare opportunity to express their opinions.

"What a mandrel", "leave you always need to do not be condemned and funny", "Where is the ballet? I see acrobatic etudes, "" Spanish shame I feel, depending on this performance, "wrote the passters of the Volochkova.

Note that the ballet artist joined the speeches and his daughter Ariadna. In the show 15-year-old heiress Anastasia executes vocal numbers. True, the comments to the publication with access to the scene of the daughter, the famous artist still closed.

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