"From pity you live": the fans of Daniel Sakhnov from "House-2" about the novel with a string


Recently, the TV project "Dom-2" pleases fans with fresh news. Someone will say that the editors are specifically trying to raise the rating of the show, but not everything can be played. For example, now there is a real baby boom on telestroy: several girls are in position. In the relations of other pairs, serious passions reign. Many of them are prone to stability and return the past, despite quarrels with loved ones.

Such became Zakhar Saleko and Yana Safeyev. In this pair, the girl is accused of unnecessary calm, which is not on hand the program rating. But Daniel Sakhnova and Tanya Stroke, on the contrary, life is boil. For several months, the guys did not communicate. They broke up far from a friendly note, after which the passage continued even in the social network.

But cute is worn out - only chop. This phrase was truthful one hundred percent, because Tatiana and Daniel again together. Having left separately on holidays with friends, later lovers were no longer parted. And now Danya posted a fresh photo with a friend in Instagram, how they crowned face, hugging each other. "If we were not foolished, it would not be," the guy wrote.

True, not all the "House-2" fans are glad to resume old relations. Part of the Follovier believes that Sakhnov just regretted the girl. They remembered that she is imposed on a guy and wants to marry him. "Neither shame, no pride, understands that you don't need anyone except you, and enough you have a dead grip," the behavior of string subscribers criticize.

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