Voided the present size of the pensions of Leonid Yakubovich, Larisa Guzeeva and other TV stars


Pensiones of some stars of the national show business can be envied, however, many artists and leading popular TV channels are in no hurry to say goodbye to their fans and go to the well-deserved peace. Recently, Showman Dmitry Dibrov, who last year turned 60 years old.

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Публикация от Larisa Guzeeva (@_larisa_guzeeva_)

"I also don't even sit fish, I do not leave, and patissons do not grow. And, on the contrary, invent new interesting projects, "he said.

Despite active TV-life, he could live on the instrument due to the manual, which is 33 thousand rubles. Even more "dripping" at the expense of his colleague Larisa Guzeyeva, which receives 55 thousand rubles. The size of the pension significantly increased the supplusion due to the title of deserved artist. Their stars with Moscow Regional began to charge in 2018.

About 50 thousand rubles receives the leading "fields of miracles" Leonid Yakubovich. One of the largest sums is put to the "town" star Yury Stoyanov - 62 thousand rubles that come to him for two surcharges. For his career, the Nikolai Drozdov did not reach the titles, therefore it has only 30 thousand rubles.

"We would have enough with my wife, but you have to help your daughter and two grandsons," the traveler quotes the edition of KP.RU.

The smallest benefits at the televas of Rosa of Syabitova and the leading "Anshag" Regina Dubovitsky are only 14 thousand rubles.

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