David Gukhovan remembered how hardly did not refuse the role in the pilot series "Secret Materials"


The role of Mulder's agent in the series "Secret Materials" was the sign in the career of David spiritual, but, as it turned out, at first, the actor was not delighted with the prospects to play the encoded by the aliens employee of the FBI. Moreover, he almost refused to participate in the pilot series of the show. The other day the spiritual was the guest of the Literally podcast! With Rob Lowe, in which he told, what doubts he was tormented at that time.

"Then I just got a couple of scenes in the film, which was led by the director with whom I was friends, and I had to abandon the filming to participate in the pilot series of" secret materials ". I even told my agent that I don't want to do this, "the actor confessed.

The spiritual added that at that time it believed that the "secret materials" - the project exclusively about aliens, which means that he hardly spend a lot of time on the air, despite the successful idea of ​​the pilot episode.

"I was not interested in the theory of conspiracy, and I was absolutely ready to abandon the role in order to do another project," said the spiritual.

Fortunately, the star agent was able to convince him not to give up filming in the pilot, and David himself was very grateful for it, because otherwise his whole life could have been absolutely different. "If you want to talk about stupid actors ... it was me," he said self-critical.

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